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2010  Spring - Wood

With a couple of feet of snow on the ground and the threat of more on the way, it seems only hopeful to be talking about the spring.  As I discussed in my previous letter, the winter/water is about courage and perseverance; the ability to keep going even in the face of the unknown.  This cold snowy winter has given us all the opportunity to test our fortitude.  We have survived the scramble at the grocery stores, the slide on the roads and the endless hours spent digging out.
I have enjoyed witnessing the great beauty and peacefulness of the fallen snow.  I found it to be a forced break from the monotony of the day to day.  I spent more “together” time with my family playing, eating and just hanging out.  It was heartwarming to see neighbors and friends coming together to make sure everyone remained safe and comfortable.  I have heard wonderful stories from all of you about making the most of a somewhat difficult scenario, sacrificing joints while snow blowing half the neighborhood, watching movies in the car when the house was without power, taking in little kids and puppies for days to keep warm, and the list goes on.  Sometimes it takes extraordinary circumstances for us to remember that we’re not meant to live this life alone. 
I am hoping that you all have taken this rare opportunity to be in the stillness and gather your potential energy.  Holding instead of spending is unfamiliar to many of us but essential for all of us.  As the spring/wood bounds into existence, we will all need sufficient stores of energy to propel us toward the hopefulness and new beginnings of this season.  Although it is not yet apparent out of our windows, spring is on the move.  Soon we will be watching this powerfully creative energy manifest flowers, leaves, insects and warm temperatures!  Spring/wood makes it happen.  It has a plan ad it always carries it out, without fail!
The balance of the wood is a great benevolence, an almost super-hero type energy.  The wood swoops in and dies what needs to be done to save the day!  The wood is directional, decisive, organized and always has an efficient plan.  In the comic books the super hero does these things with grace and charm.  In our lives it doesn’t always show up that way!  When the wood is not so balanced, it can show up as pushy, aggressive and even a bit self-righteous.  Irritability and frustration can move to anger and even rage.  If we aren’t careful about taking effective action towards creativity, this wood energy can have us beating our (and maybe others’) heads against the wall.  This is why you may hear more horns beeping on the highways and more disgruntled banter at work.  It is the wood!
The spirit of the wood is called the hun.  The hun is responsible for seeking our destiny.  The spring/wood is a time when you may find yourself considering the big picture.  Planning your life and considering your next step at work, in a relationship, etc.  You may sense a new type of hopefulness, drive and conviction toward a goal, old or new.
I encourage you all to take hold of this spring energy and use it to move yourself along your path in a direction that truly serves your soul!        -Shani

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