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Late Summer 2022

Hi friend,


I hope this letter finds you well and that the Fire of Summer has warmed and held you. As we all head back to our Fall routines of school, after school activities, sports and carpooling, I hope you can take a moment to savor the energy of late summer. 


Anytime is a good time for acupuncture and as the seasons change, it is a good time to harness the energy of the transition and align ourselves with nature. If you are feeling out of sorts or haven't been received acupuncture in awhile, it is a great time to come in for a seasonal tune up. We are now in the season that Chinese Medicine recognizes as “Late Summer’. We are moving from the most yang season of Summer into the yin seasons. We notice the days are getting shorter and the sun is setting earlier. The qualities of Late Summer include the heaviness and damp humidity we experience here in the DC area. The fun, long days of summer are behind us, and we can feel the downward turn of energy. Late Summer is the season of harvest, the fruits are heavy on the tree. The labors of our summer are rewarded in the harvest.


Late Summer is associated with the Earth element, Earth is about nourishment, centeredness, thoughtfulness, giving and being grounded. As the seasonal energy winds down, you may find yourself home from vacation, starting back to more structured activities, spending time with loved ones at the local farmers markets or at home readying for the Fall/Metal season of letting go. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, take time to savor, savor the juicy peaches and delicious tomatoes, savor the time with loved ones, neighbors, pets. Maybe even try to savor the routines and school schedules that have quickly snuck up on us.


As this pandemic wears on, we are often found worrying about the next wave or nourishing others who may be sick or in need of comfort, please don’t forget to take time to nourish yourselves. Take time for a quiet rest, enjoy music, read a book you’ve been wanting to read, do something to truly replenish your soul. In nurturing ourselves we will have enough available to care for others. Earth is about the balance of give and take.  As you reflect on your own harvest, know that you are right where you are meant to be. Whether you completed the novel you have been working on, cleaned out your room or a drawer, took a trip with family or simply managed to get yourself  to the grocery store or back to school, that is harvest enough, GO YOU! May you know the nourishing and grounding of the Earth element during this late Summer. Go gently and allow time to take care of yourself, if that includes acupuncture treatment, please send a text. I am always here for you. Sending love and healing intention to you and yours. Take good care.




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